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managing cash flow

Explore cash flow tips for your new business

As you establish your new business, discover how effective management of cash flow can help your business thrive.


Effective cash management can be the key to your company's success

Managing cash flow can be tricky, particularly for startups and small businesses. Cash flow management best practices can help your business strategically manage inflows and outflows to improve financial health and growth.

Keep your personal and business finances separate

Begin by opening a business bank account to keep your finances seperate and avoid some trouble along the way. Consider a business account that aligns with your business goals.

Keep a detailed record of your finances

You should keep detailed financial records to get a good idea of your business's cash flow. Some things to include are: 

  • Invoices processed
  • Amount of cash in circulation
  • What bills need to be paid

Prepare a cash flow statement and projection

It is a simple financial document that will give you a complete picture of your actual flow of cash, along with monthly forecasts.

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6 Steps toward Better Cash Flow Management


Simple Tips to Help Improve Your Cash Flow

Resources & Insights

7 Tips to Keep the Flow in Your Business Cash Flow

As you work to optimize your business’ cash flow, these tips can help spark important conversations with the right small business banker.
Resources & Insights

Infographic: Get Proactive About Your Business Cash Flow

There’s a lot you can do to get — and stay — ready to seize growth opportunities.
Resources & Insights

4 Ways to Use Your Cash Flow to Grow

Check out these helpful tips on growing your business’s cash flow.
Resources & Insights

Cash Flow Optimization

Watch the webinar in which a panel experts share an industry perspective addressing advances in payment processing that can help organizations optimize cash flow and make processes more efficient.
Resources & Insights

12 Ways to Increase Your Cash Flow

There are ways you can better manage – and even boost – your cash flow. Here are a few.

Top questions, answered by our experts.

Cash flow is the money coming in and out of your business. Most notably, it is the cash you have on hand to pay bills and keep your business running.

Learning Modules


Developing a Business Plan

Learn about the components of a business plan and how to create one that communicates your business’ financial future and health.


Small Business Financial Statements

Learn about the three most important financial statements: balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow reports.


Financial Wellbeing for Entrepreneurs

Learn more about the financial basics of entrepreneurship.

This article is for informational purposes. It is not designed or intended to provide financial, tax, legal, investment, accounting, or other professional advice since such advice always requires consideration of individual circumstances. Please consult with the professionals of your choice to discuss your situation.