
Find Your M&T Bank Routing Number

Having trouble locating your M&T Bank routing number? We can help.

Your M&T Routing/ABA Number

You may need to know your routing number or ABA number to complete various transactions, including setting updirect deposit, ordering checks, receiving domestic wire transfers, etc.

There are three M&T Bank routing numbers based on the state in which you opened your account. They are:

022000046 –Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont
031302955 –Pennsylvania and Delaware
052000113 –Maryland, Virginia,West Virginia and Washington, DC

If you are not sure of which numbers to use, simply call the M&T Contact Center for help at 1-800-724-2440.

Direct Deposit Authorization Form (PDF) >

Finding Your Routing Number on a Check

You can always use one of your M&T Bank checks or a withdrawal ticket to find your routing number. It will be in the bottom-left corner, listed first before your account number. Use the example check below to help you locate it.

View sample M&T Bank check

Make sure you refer to your own check or withdrawal ticket (and not the sample check in the above example) for your M&T routing/ABA number and your personal or business account number. If you are not sure of which numbers to use, simply call the M&T Contact Center for help at 1-800-724-2440.

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Finding Your Routing Number in Your Online Banking Account

Once you log in to M&T Online Banking, select your deposit account from the Account Summary screen. Switch from the “Recent Activity” tab to the "Account Info" tab.

If you are not sure of which numbers to use, simply call the M&T Contact Center for help at 1-800-724-2440.

Finding Your Routing Number on Your Mobile App

Once you log in to M&T Mobile Banking, select your deposit account from the Account Summary screen then tap the "ACCT INFO" button in the upper right hand corner.

If you are not sure of which numbers to use, simply call the M&T Contact Center for help at 1-800-724-2440.

Download our app for Android™or iPhone®at no additional cost from M&T.​

Incoming Wire Transfer Information

To wire money into an M&T Bank account, provide the sender or originating bank the following information:

  • M&T Bank
  • Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, One M&T Plaza, Buffalo, NY 14203
  • Beneficiary's Name/Name on Account
  • Beneficiary's Account Number
  • CHIPS/ABA Number 0555
  • For international wires, use Swift Code MANTUS33
  • For domestic wires, use routing number 022000046

Important information for our retail or business customers:

  1. Incoming wires are subject to a fee. Please refer to your applicable deposit account agreement and any associated Governing Documents for more information on fees and availability of funds.
  2. The beneficiary's name and beneficiary account number must match for the funds to be credited. Any discrepancies may result in the return of the incoming wire to the origininating bank.