
Protect Yourself From Financial Fraud

Stay up to date on different kinds of fraud – and fraud prevention tips – so you can help protect your personal and financial information.

Recent/Ongoing Scam

Scammers are contacting customers pretending to be M&T Bank or other legitimate businesses and asking for remote access (also known as Screen Share) to that customers device(s) to resolve an issue on the customer’s behalf. The scammer’s goal is to make customers think they will be depositing a refund into the bank account or they need to urgently collect an unpaid fee – and, to get the money or catch up on any unpaid balance, all the customer needs to do is allow the caller to connect to their device. It’s a scam.

These kinds of scams, where imposters ask for remote access to your computer, are called tech support scams or remote access scams, and they exist in many forms. They may try to trick you into installing harmful software on your device or direct you to websites and ask you to enter your username, password, account number, credit/debit card number, one time verification code and other sensitive personal information. They will then use the information you have provided to transfer funds out of your account.

It is uncommon for legitimate businesses to request unsolicited remote access to your device. Any caller who does may be a scammer. If you get a similar call, hang up immediately, report it to M&T and spread the word to help friends and family avoid scams that result in fraud.

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Understanding Common Scams


Scammers look to gain access to your sensitive account information during times of heightened fear and confusion. They are using messaging associated with the COVID-19 pandemic as a lure to solicit your account information. Some examples include:

  • Unemployment Fraud -Recent scams involve false claims for unemployment benefits using personal information of individuals who have not filed claims.
  • Fake Websites– Cyberthieves are creating websites that collect your personal information under the guise of providing you with important Coronavirus updates.
  • Government and Health Organization Emails– Scammers disguising themselves as organizations, like Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO), are contacting individuals by email regarding a range of topics such as Coronavirus cures, account validation for stimulus checks, and attachments touted to be necessary paperwork for unemployment benefits, or confirmation for stimulus payments.

As scammers become more sophisticated, it is important to understand the signs of fraud and best security practices. The most chosen delivery method of these scams is through Phishing: emails, texts, or phone calls claiming to be from reputable sources tricking you to fall victim to their scams.

These fraud techniques are designed to mislead you into providing personal information such as:

  • Account numbers
  • PINs
  • Social Security numbers
  • Login credentials (username and password)
  • Answers to security questions (your mother’s maiden name, for example)

Recognizing Official M&T Bank Communications

Please be aware, M&T will never notify you over the phone, through email, or text message to:

  • Tell you that your account has been “locked” or “restricted"
  • Ask you to "verify" or "confirm" your personal information
  • Request your PIN, passcode, account details, and/or your Social Security Number

It is M&T Policy that we do NOT initiate a request for personal information via email. Unless you initiate the contact or we are completing an application for you, M&T will NOT request personal information.

If you get these or similar requests from any organization, please do not respond.

Recognizing a Scam

Keep an eye out for deceptive text messages and emails, that appear to be from a trustworthy source. Help protect yourself against fraud with these simple DOs and DON’Ts:



  • Check the sender’s name for familiarity and authenticity. Does the email address or phone number match who the sender is claiming to be?
  • Never provide any account or login credentials to unsolicited emails, texts, or phone calls.
  • Check for grammatical errors in emails and text messages. Does the message contain misspelled names or words?
  • Never click on links or open attachments within electronic communications when in doubt or if they appear to be suspicious.
  • Check for a threatening message. Does the message warn you that your account has been hacked or locked? Does it claim that your personal information is at stake?
  • Check for suspicious attachments and refrain from opening. Does the message contain an attachment that you didn’t request?

What to Do if You Suspect Fraud

Forward any suspicious emails tophishing@mtb.comthat appear to be from M&T and request that you click on a link to enter your login credentials or personal information. If you are in doubt, delete the text, forward the email to us, or hang up the call.

If you believe you have been a victim of fraud related to your M&T accounts, notify us immediately at 1-800-724-2440 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), so we can take action to help you.

If you have received a suspicious text message, you can optionally report it to your wireless provider by copying the message and forwarding it to 7726.

7726, which spells SPAM, has been designated by The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA) as a number for reporting suspicious and spam text messages to most major U.S. and global wireless providers

Be Proactive

To help protect your personal and financial information, here are some preventive tips that you can start implementing today:

  • Review your password strength. It is recommended to use a different username and password for your bank in the event one of your other online accounts is hacked.
  • Make sure your personal information, like your mobile phone number and email address, is up to date so that M&T can quickly reach you if we notice suspicious activity.
  • Learn aboutEZShield{{d426*}}for your personal accounts, that can help protect your identity and receive expert protection tips, timely breach news, and fraud alerts.
  • Stay notified and secure withM&T Alerts{{d9*}} through M&T Online and Mobile Banking. Track balances and get warnings about personal account activity via email, text, or app notification.