
M&T Card Decks by MagnusCards®

MagnusCards® is a free storytelling app that helpspeople with autism, ADHD, acquired brain injury, Down syndrome, dementia and other cognitive disabilities gain independence.

Download the app:

Once in the app,M&T’s MagnusCards® can be found under “Money Management”.

What’s New?

We’ve recently addedfivenew M&T guidestotheMagnusCardsapp in the“Money”section.In addition to breaking down the steps and providing photos of each one, the appalsooffers the instructions in audio.

Checking your Available Balance(s) for your Deposit Account(s) in the M&T Mobile App

How to Deposit a Checkin the M&T Mobile App

How to Set Up aVirtualAppointmentin the M&T Mobile App

How to“Lock”and“Unlock”Your CardIf Lost or Stolen in the M&T Mobile App

How to Dispute a Transaction

What are MagnusCards®?

MagnusCards® card decks provide simple-to-follow instructions on how to handle everyday activities like going to the bank, grocery shopping or riding the bus.

What can I learn from M&T’s MagnusCards®?

M&T’s MagnusCards® introduce you to fundamental steps in banking.Topics include: counting money,withdrawing cash from an ATM, making a withdrawal from a teller and making a purchase with your debit card.

Download MagnusCards here:

For more details about the free app, visit the .