
Treasury Management Agreements

Master Treasury Management Services Agreement and Product Terms and Conditions Booklet.

The Master Treasury Management ServicesAgreement (“TM Agreement”) is M&T’s general agreement governing Treasury Management Services (“TM Services”), and theProduct Terms and Conditions Booklet (“Booklet”) reflects current product information, operational procedures, and terms and conditions applicable to TM Services.The TM Agreement and Booklet have been updated and these updates will go into effect as of May 15, 2024 (the “Effective Date”).

You can review copies of the updated TM Agreement and Booklet as well as a summary of the updates made to the TM Agreement and Booklet, via the links below:

We strongly encourage customers who subscribe to one or more Treasury Management Services to carefully review the updated TM Agreement and Booklet which are both accessible through the above links and retain copies for their records.1

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by calling the Treasury ManagementService Team at 1-800-724-2240, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ET.