Contact Your Relationship Manager

Get in touch with our team of Canadian Banking Specialists. We’re here to answer questions or concerns related to your cross-border business.

Phone & Email 

Contact your Canadian Banking Team at our Canadian office.

  • ​Call: 416-214-2334
  • ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ô:Ìý

Canadian Office Address

You can contact our Principal Officer at the following address:

Brookfield Place – TD Canada Trust Tower
161 Bay Street – Suite 2520
P.O. Box 209
Toronto ON M5J 2S1

SWIFT Network Information

Telex: 420076 
Answer back: MANDTBANKNYK 
FedWire: 0220-000-46 MFRS BUF 
Transit Number: 10-4/220 
CHIPS: 0555 

Questions, Concerns & Complaint Resolution

If you have feedback, a concern you would like to address, or a complaint you need to resolve, please choose one of the following options: 

​Contact Your Representative or Relationship Manager

If your problem is not resolved to your satisfaction with your first contact, we encourage you to escalate your complaint to the next level by telephone, mail, fax or email. Please include contact information where you can be reached.

​Contact the Canadian Office's Principal Officer

The Principal Officer of the Canadian office is accessible by mail, phone and email:

Mr. Neil Ghai
Principal Officer, M&T Bank
Brookfield Place – TD Canada Trust Tower
161 Bay Street – Suite 2520
P.O. Box 209
Toronto ON M5J 2S1

Telephone: 416-995-3054
Fax: 416-363-0768

​Contact the Canada Branch Ombudsman 

If you are still unsatisfied after consulting the Principal Officer, you can contact the M&T Bank Canada Branch Ombudsman for an additional review of your situation. 

The M&T Bank Canada Branch Ombudsman can only review your concern after you have received a response from the Principal Officer. 

Mike Rosenberry
Customer Care Department
P.O. Box 767
Buffalo, NY 14240
Fax: 1-855-379-7355

Contact the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
427 Laurier Avenue West, 6th Floor
Ottawa ON K1R 1B9
Phone: 1-866-461-3222

Deposits with M&T Bank are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. Deposits with M&T Bank Canada Branch are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
In compliance with the Support Orders and Support Provisions (Banks and Authorized Foreign Banks) Regulations and Support Orders and Support Provisions (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations, the following office has been designated by M&T Bank for the service of enforcement notices in respect of all provinces and territories in Canada: 161 Bay Street, Suite 2520, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2S1